Tuesday, April 13, 2004

President McDumbass

For those of you who didn't get a chance to see his press conference tonight, allow me to provide a short summary of actual quotes.
"War on terra, freedom, uhh... freedom, terra, uhh... war on terra, I understand that a free Iraq uhh... AQ Kahn, terra, GUT WRENCHING, uh... uh... look forward to winning the war uh... look forward to cooperating with the September the ELEVENTH commission, move heaven and earth, uh.. terra terra terra, freedom, look I understand freedom, a freedom [head shake] I wish you would have submitted this question ahead of time so I could come up with an answer [smirk], terra in the soul of some people, uh.. dangerous man, look forward, look forward, war on terra [puff cheeks and sigh at hard question] yeah, yup, yeah, spread freedom, power of freedom, freedom is the Almighty's gift to the people on earth, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom, free world, stay the course, complete the job, cause of freedom, the world more peaceful, look forward, look forward, look forward, terra, freedom, those who yell will not get called on."
...and check out the picture on Atrios