Admitting Past Mistakes
Much has been written about this President's inability to admit past mistakes, and Josh Marshall has a great post about it here.
Part of Bush's inability to apologize, is that they only make one plan for whatever policy they are implementing. The Bush policy makers are so wrapped up in changing the world and their place in history, that their plan is the only way.
With us or against us. Period.
When things don't work out as they hoped they just press ahead with the initial flawed policy. After all, what we're doing is great, even ordained by the Almighty. This in turn causes countless other problems and eventually becomes disconnected from reality.
In Iraq it was planned that we'd be welcomed as liberators and the oil revenue would pay for everything. Didn't happen that way. Should we send more troops, internationalize the effort, repeal the tax cuts? No, our plan is fine.
Same thing with the economy. Our economic policy: Tax cuts. The first round sent the economy into the shitter, so how do we fix it? More tax cuts.
I just scares me to think what great plans they'll come up with if they get another 4 years.